Thanks so much for applying for a membership at Sandringham Angler's Club
The process after submission is that your application will be pinned to our Club noticeboard where members can view your application and after two weeks your application will be presented to the Committee where your application will be re-viewed and you will be contacted to be notified of the outcome.
Once Off Nomination Fee
Family Membership or Adult Nomination Fee of $50
Pensioner, Pensioner Couple or Youth Nomination Fee of $30
Junior, Country or Interstate Nomination Fee $20
Please note your one-off Nomination Fee Schedule can be paid into our account with your surname as reference.
Please contact us for details to make a direct deposit
We would love to meet you in person and can process your payment via
Credit Card, Cheque or Cash at our Club Room on Tuesday Night's from 8pm
Annual Membership Fee Schedule
(Payable after Membership Nomination Acceptance)
Family Membership Fee (Spouse & Children under 18) $110
Adult Membership Fee $90
Pensioner Membership $55
Pensioner Couple Membership $75
Youth Membership Fee $55
Junior, Country or Interstate Membership Fee $35